Saturday, January 11, 2014

Do you have cash on hand in case of an emergency?

In cases of catastrophic emergency, like Hurricane Katrina, ATM's and banks are often shut down.  If and when they are able to get an ATM up and running, there will be long lines, and the  ATM will easily run out of money.  If you are able to actually withdraw cash, there will likely be a limit as to the amount you can withdraw.  $40.00 isn't going to get you very far.  The advice I received from someone who was dispatched from the Red Cross to assist during the aftermath of Katrina, said to have at least $500 on hand IN SMALL BILLS!  Why small bills?  Basically, it's much easier to trade small bills. Cash will be in short supply and most people/stores, aren't going to have change for large bills.  If you are trying to buy something from someone and only have a $20 bill, they may not have change, and if you are desperate enough, you could end up paying $20 for a gallon of water or box of matches.  So keep plenty of $1.00's, $5.00's, and $10.00's available.  It also makes it easier to build up your emergency fund.  Stashing away a couple of $5.00 bills is much easier than putting away $100.00.  So start now!  Every little bit helps!

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